Slayer crossed paths with Mercyful Fate on both coasts of their 1984 tour. Kerry King told Rolling Stone that the Danish legends were an influence on Hell Awaits. "You can tell by the super long songs with, like, 10,000 riff changes. That was definitely a Mercyful Fate influence."
1-4. Slayer crashes Mercyful Fate's in-store appearance, 1984. From the Collection of Doug Goodman
5. Slayer crashes Mercyful Fate's in-store appearance, 1984. From the Collection of Kathryn and Jeff Hanneman
6. Flyer for the Slayer and Mercyful Fate show at Starry Night, Portland, Oregon, scheduled for October 18, 1984. When Fate's gear was held back in customs, this show was canceled. From the Collection of Doug Goodman